1 full sheet Arches 140 lb. cold press paper. We will divide this in class. We will be working on paintings that are size 11” x 15”, so bring a foam core board or other support for attaching paper to.
#2 Pencil, eraser
Sketch pad or notebook for taking notes.
Tracing paper
Graphite paper (Saral graphite colored brand is my favorite- available at Dick Blick art supply stores)
Watercolor brushes (bring your favorites) I use 1” flat and ½ “flat, and a small (#6) round brush.
Water containers (old Cool Whip containers work great) bring 2.
Masking tape.
Kleenex brand tissues (because they pop up for easy grabbing)
Sponge or rag for wiping off your brushes.
Margarita salt or table salt
Spray bottle (I use a push button top, old Windex bottle. You can usually get these at small convenience gas stations.)
Blow dryer (optional)
Bring your palette filled with your usual colors. Because everyone always asks, my palette is as follows. I use mainly transparent colors. (Please do not feel that you must go out and buy these colors. The most important 5 colors are listed first.) Aureolin yellow, permanent rose (or DaVinci red rose deep), cobalt blue, winsor green, alizarin crimson, antwerp blue, French ultramarine blue, manganese blue, cerulean blue, quinacridone gold, burnt sienna, permanent magenta, winsor red, neutral tint, and scarlet lake.
Camera (optional) If you want to take photos of my demonstration in progress, that’s OK with me.
Acrylic Matte Medium and old brush (for applying it) . (I use a 1/2" acrylic brush) Also, bring a plastic container with lid (for storing it)
Collage papers-bring whatever you have. (I will have bring extra collage papers) I like chiri paper (transparent), and unryu fiber paper, which is a milky white fiber paper with strings in it and it is semi-transparent. Bring whatever other oriental papers you might already have. Napkins and magazines can be used for collage, also, so start saving those. My favorite magazine for collaging is Architectural Digest. (It also is very good for some design exercises that we will be doing.) Try to think of variety in colors and textures. Any metallic ribbons, old books, music books, etc. Also, (old paintings that you don’t like) can be used in collage.
Reference photos. I will be painting sunflowers. You may paint whatever flower you wish. No reference needed for the wire drawing.
One package of colorful paper napkins. (any papers that have busy patterns and bright colors -for instance, swirls or dots, or checks.) They make great collage material. We’ll have a napkin exchange
Black permanent marker (ultra fine and fine tips). I usually get the Twin Top Sharpie black permanent markers.
If you have questions about the supplies, my email is: karen@karenknutson.com I will be bringing extra gold items, so if you have trouble finding them, I would be glad to share mine for a small fee.